Dhikr in the Morning and Evening

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Pustaka Imam Asy Syafii
  • Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas
Kode Buku
  • DRA
  • 978-623-8174-188
Dimensi Buku
  • 9 x 14 cm
Kemasan Buku
  • Soft Cover
Berat Buku
  • 100 gr
Jumlah Halaman
  • 112 Halaman
Jenis Kertas
  • HVS
Cetakan Buku
  • Cetakan 1
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Allah commands us to frequently engage in remembrance (dhikr) during the morning and evening, and similarly after the obligatory prayers.

What are the specific remembrances (dhikr) that the Prophet Muhammad taught us during these times?

The answer lies within this book, compiled by Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas. Its advantages include a systematic arrangement for easy memorization by anyone, young or old, and its compact size for convenience. Its content is scholarly, encompassing remembrances (dhikr) sourced directly from the Prophet Muhammad as mentioned in authentic hadith (shahih) collections. Practicing these remembrances is highly beneficial, not only because you're remembering Allah, but also because you're reviving the Prophet's tradition of dhikr during the morning and evening, as well as after the obligatory prayers.

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